Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Look Back: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

It’s almost time for one of the most cracked out shows on TV to return in a few days, with their much anticipated season 7. As of now they hold the honor for longest running basic cable live action sit-com. Congrats to them, for being totally deserving of this, and also for having Green Man become a thing at parties. I wanted to take a look back at my favorite episodes from the Sunny seasons and some of the best one liners.

So let’s kick it off with a look back at last season. Dee was pregnant and the much anticipated father of the baby was… Carmen the Tranny. Even at the end when you see Dee coming out with a tiny little bundle of joy and the looks on the Gang’s faces looking like everything in their lives is about to change, you see Mac’s on again off again love interest Carmen, and her loving husband and Sunny goes back to what it does best, uncomfortable, ridiculous and completely crazy moments. Here are some highlights from the past six seasons.

Mac’s Big Break Season 6, Episode 4

I think this episode won me over with the intro rolling into the opening credits as Mac wins a radio contest, and Charlie, lets out a loud, uninhibited scream. Everything from Charlie’s mullet wig, Mac’s use of the word ‘jerbronie’, and Frank, Dennis and Dee starting their own podcast made this episode one of my favorites.

Paddy’s Pub: Home of the Original Kitten Mittens Season 5, Episode 8

Seriously just watch the video. Was it the Kitten Mitton commercial? Or even Frank’s obsession with eggs? What made this episode great was the complete and utter absurdity that came from it. And for those of you VH1 reality fans, like me, one of your favorite Rock of Love girls has a cameo. I freaking love this episode. Egg.

The Waitress Is Getting Married Season 5, Episode 5
My idea was to only have one episode with each season that I loved, but I couldn’t decide between the two. The episode is filled with one liners that I constantly spout off. It makes me want to see Charlie Kelly’s profile so I can browse his interests of milk steak, ghouls and magnets. Just magnets dude. Mix that in with a wheel of cheese and a box of hornets and you have an episode embedded into my mind forever.

Sweet Dee Has a Heart Attack Season 4, Episode 10
I couldn’t choose between this episode and The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis, but overall this one takes the prize as my favorite from season 4. Dee and Dennis are hilarious in this episode with their Mexican Botox do-it-yourself kits among their workout attire, but the highlight of this episode is Mac and Charlie working as two mail room schlubs, in order to get health insurance. Watch the video above for one of the best TV flip outs of all time. Don’t forget to do a little sing-a-long to Day Bow Bow, oh yeahhh.

Sweet Dee’s Dating a Retarded Person Season 3, Episode 9

Dayman… Fighter of the Nightman… Champion of the Sun… You’re a master of karate and friendship for everyone. Truly epic, oh and yeah Sweet Dee may or may not have dated a retarded guy, so that was really funny too.

Hundred Dollar Baby Season 2, Episode 5
Sweet Dee and Charlie on steroids. If them not facing square off and staring at each other only a couple inches away from each other's faces did not floor you, well, you just don’t know the true essence of Sunny. This was chock full of Sunny goodness, whether it had to do with Clown Baby or the Million Dollar Baby parody at the end of the episode.

Underage Drinking: A National Concern Season 1, Episode 3

The beginning of Sunny was rocky, only because not a lot of people knew about it, but those who did knew something special was going to happen. I personally don’t remember exactly which season of Sunny it was when I started watching… I believe it was either four or three, but regardless the first season was fantastic because of the introduction to these completely ridiculous characters and scenarios. This episode in particular was right up there on the Sunny scale of insane. Dating high school kids and letting them drink it up in the bar. Oh you guys, you slay me. I love how Mac wants to go stag to a prom he obviously has no business being at, then again none of them did.

Post some of your favorite Sunny moments, and don’t forget to tune in to FX Thursday September 15th for the season 7 premiere, Frank’s Pretty Woman. And also take a listen to the WTF with Marc Maron podcast, with guests Charlie Day and Glenn Howerton. It was a pretty interesting episode. You can listen to that at

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Best and Worst of the Summer Movies (2011 Edition)

Summer's over along with the summer movies. Fall's looking a lot into the horror category with backwoods murderin', bird flu outbreaks and Justin Timberlake as an action star. Just in time for Halloween... no double pun intended. So here are the best and the worst of what I've seen from the summer 2011.


Horrible Bosses

Forget about The Hangover, this was the comedy everyone should've seen this summer. If you didn't you are an idiot. The cast was impeccable and completely on point. The jokes were fantastic and kept coming. There were some very unexpected surprises and we all know I'm talking about Colin Farrell. I cannot wait to own this movie on blu-ray because I'm sure there will be some special features I will not want to miss out on. This movie made me want to bend Jason Sudeikis over a barrell and show him all fifty states, if you know what I mean.

Final Destination 5

Yes, this is in my best category. As a big fan of the FD series it wasn't my absolute favorite, but was it an enormous step up from the last one. I like to pretend FD4 just didn't happen. The actors weren't annoying, but very good at dealing with their potential deaths and what was going to happen. And how can you not enjoy a Final Destination movie with Dave Koechner? Will this be the last final destination? I say most likely, and here comes a spoiler for those of you who haven't seen it.

As it turns out the final two people at the end of the movie are alive, one of them actually never died in the first vision so she was always safe, and the other took another life in order to keep his own. They board a plane to Paris and you see footage from the first movie and they are on the doomed Flight 180 and it is infact the year 2000. So, having the series come full circle should mean the end right?

30 Minutes or Less

This is on my best list for the sole reason that it was unexpectedly hilarious. Danny McBride and Aziz Ansari were in high form of comedic greatness. Jesse Eisenberg was good as usual as the frantic fast talker he usually is, but his delivery was in a much better, more frantic place. I've never seen Nick Swardson perform so well on screen before, honestly it was the best work he's ever done. Definitely check it out because it was packed with a lot of great laughs.


Friends With Benefits

Justin Timberlake is hot. Mila Kunis is hot. The two of them having sex should be hot too theoretically, but this movie was a huge, ugly mess. Probably the best word I could describe this movie would be boring. So damn boring. Did the guy who made The Room write this monstrosity? I love Woody Harrelson, and it wasn't his portrayal of a gay man, but it was the shit lines they made him say. This movie was predictable garbage. Not even a good predictable rom com cheesy movie. Such a shame. Such hotness wasted.

The Hangover Part 2

I figured that part two would be the same thing as one, but it left out the whole being funny thing. It was so forced, and just unappealing. One over the top thing to the next over the top thing to the next became so daunting. I didn't like how they wanted to copy the original to a T, and then just add anal sex with a transvestite and expect everyone to flip their shit with hilarity. Access denied. I will write the one line I laughed at though, "Hey mom, I'm done with my lunch it's just sitting here." Thanks Zach Galifinakis, for your delivery and fat Jesus attitude.

Even though there was a lot more good, bad and ugly of this past summer I wanted to hit on the big movies I considered to be the best and the worst. I would like to also shortly mention Super 8. It wasn't just any typical JJ Abrams affair a la Cloverfield. The kids were fantastic and acted their butts off, and it was a very sweet, touching and not trying to be cliche almost magical and made me feel like a kid again. Now it's time for the fall to begin and a lot of Oscar contenders will most likely be coming up and causing a whole new best and worst list to come.


Things Are Changing

I've decided to change the format of this blog into a pop culture how to, introduction, what's hot, what's new, that sort of thing. With a brand new fall lineup for TV with budding new shows, TV shows coming to an end and all sorts of new things for the fall it'll be a perfect time for lots of new things.

Also coming soon will be a podcast. Right now it's in the beginning stages but once it's up and running it'll be an extension of the blog. So that's all I have for now, I'll definitely try to keep updating more.
