Sunday, December 12, 2010

What Is Going On With HBO?

HBO has had some of the best programming come to revelance in the past decade, but lately I feel as if they've made a couple bad decisions, along with a lot of good ones. Right now HBO has a new breakout hit, Boardwalk Empire, which unfortuneately I have not gotten the chance to see. After its series premiere it was renewed for a second season just a few short hours later. Even though this has gotten the most amazing critical and fan acclaim, HBO has been known for giving period dramas, a short period of screen time. Hopefully Boardwalk will break this barrier, because from what I understand it is a great show. (Maybe I'll catch up next summer before the second season premiere.)

But when I heard the news that they've decided to cancel their polygamist drama Big Love, I was shocked and a little pissed. It had great critic appeal, and a small but very loyal fan base. I for one have been nothing but intrigued by this hour drama about a polygamist family hiding their lives in modern town Utah. Chloë Sevigny is the breakout in my opinion. She plays Nikki, the second wife and while in the beginning she came off... okay Nikki's always been a bitch, but Chloë has made her so likeable and understanding, so I began to root for Nikki when I thought I never could. All the wives have their baggage, but this ensemble drama is riveting, and has gotten better and better with each season. Granted, this past season was a little off, but I truly feel like people don't like seeing characters transistion and change, and the Henricksons went way off course. I had a lot of time to think about it, and I feel like with five seasons Big Love probably could run its course and give us all the story we want before it started to get boring and repititive. This last season however left a lot of loose ends, and I for one cannot fathom them being able to tie everything up by next season's end. I am very sad they've decided to cancel this show, because I feel like there's so much more story left to tell.

With that being said, I've noticed a few other strange things too. The comedies Hung and Bored to Death are going strong both being picked up for a third season, and I have no idea why. I've heard others favorable opinions of these two shows, but I just don't see anything special here. Hung to me is a filler and somewhat likeable, but I find every character to be annoying, except for Ray's kids, and while Thomas Jane is pretty to look at, he seems awkward in this show. Every frustrated face he makes looks like he's concentrating on a really tough shit he's taking, and that's unfortunate because he is a good actor. Then there's Bored to Death. You know what I feel like when I watch this show? BORED TO FUCKING DEATH. This has got to be one of the worst shows on TV. It's unreal how so many great people involved and invested in this series make it a fucking nonsense of appalling TV. I've tried to watch its starter episodes and a couple after that, but this show is so boring and unfunny. Zach Galifinakis is in rare form here, because he's not funny. Ted Danson's character is so whiny and retarded it's like he's trying to re-enact Kevin Nealon's Doug from Weeds --- except he fails hard. Jason Schwartzman is a loser. That's all he is. A fucking loser. His character is so unlikeable and such a huge tool that the band kids would've beat him up in school.

How is it that this thrives in TV land while Big Love is being sent out to pasture? HBO has also passed on a new Alan Ball project, All Signs of Death. Could they feel it's too much a venture like his other hit HBO show Six Feet Under? Or do they want to keep him locked up in the town of Bon Temps with all those pornographic vampires? Either way it doesn't make sense. He's given HBO two smash TV shows, so why pass on this one? True Blood is phenomenal -- okay it's not. But it's awesome eye candy, and as much as I didn't want to give in to that damn vampire craze I did, but I went dirtier by getting into almost porn smash True Blood. It's just fun. The plots are ridiculous and there are way too many naked people --- no you can never have too many of those, as long as they're sexy. It's based on a novel series though, so why the complaints? If anything blame the books before spouting off about how much more awesome Alexander Skarsgård was in Zoolander, "Uh earth to Brent..."

Earth to HBO, why the fuck is Entourage still on the air and being renewed for another season? And also why do you need to make a fucking movie about it? Sex and the City had major success with its feature film debut four years after the series ended, and the movie was good. Then came Sex and the City 2. Really, Aidan would never cheat on his wife Michael Patrick King... That movie was total garbage. I feel like this is why TV shows should never continue on with a movie --- it doesn't work. So why turn a show who's been in the garbage can for four years into a huge dump of a movie? Unfortuneately I still support Entourage because I like to see things through the end. If they turn on me I hope for a second coming. Season 4 of Entourage are as fans know it - Medellin - and was probably the worst season of television in all of TV history. I did enjoy seasons 5 & 6... and then it should've ended. For good. Having Vince on a good note, Johnny with a new lease on life, Turtle ready to start a new life, and E and Sloane getting engaged, it couldn't have ended better. The guys getting on the plane and E riding off into the horizon. Then there was season 7. Vince on coke and fucking Sasha Grey? Come the fuck on. Turtle had the worst storyline, and Ari's empire and family crumbling around him is not what I want to see. They do the same shit every fucking day and it's annoying as hell. Then in the last five minutes of the finale Eric finally has a storyline and gets pissed when Sloane's dad wants him to sign a pre-nup. Bullshit. That is moronic. I am glad Vince finally hit the bottom. Fuck that little bitch. -- Oh I'm Vincent Chase and I fuck a different girl everyday and no one likes my acting and blah blah -- fuck you. Good, I hope you're in jail all next season.

My point is is that there's great TV and knowing when to pull the plug on a show. That's why I've switched to Showtime.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ten of the Most Memorable Things of the Decade

Since we're closing in on 2010 I felt that there needed to be a list of some of the most memorable things that happened in the past decade. Let's just get right into it shall we?

1. No Strings Attached - *NSYNC

On March 21, 2000 this album was released. A week later, it held the record for most albums sold in one week with 2.4 million sold. With the wave of mp3's, iPod's and other means of getting music for free, this record still holds today and will most likely never be broken. Not only that but they have also been recognized as having the second highest selling album of the decade, right behind The Beatles #1 Compilation. So if you want to, you can say that *NSYNC had the highest selling album of the decade full of original material. And this makes me just as giddy and teenybopperish as I was ten years ago, dancing and singing along to this CD. Hell, I still do that. This album is iconic, and wonderful in every type of pop culture way.

2. Justin Timberlake

I thought I'd just go with the *NSYNC theme here, because Justin became a ridiculous super huge mega-star in the past ten years. I hardly know anyone who doesn't find him likeable in some sort of way. He's a power house. He went from touring the world with sold-out shows, to touring the world with more sold-out shows to a budding movie career to touring the world with more sold-out shows to putting his dick in a box to clothing lines to restaurants to his own tequila to being a mother lover and becoming a very good actor. The Social Network put him up in the real movie star kind of status, and with three movies coming out next year, he just won't stop. But the one question remains, when will he sing again, because we all just want to dance.

3. Desperate Housewives/The Rise of the Cougar

Desperate Housewives put cougars back on the map with their spicy leading ladies, and made soap operas a lot more juicy, and a lot more sexy. With the exception of seasons 2, 5, and 6... they have certainly stuck with me, and I hope they have more juicy storylines, because some things are just plain ridiculous. A guy locked in a basement? Katherine becoming bat shit and then becoming a lesbian? Gaby not being fabulous? Please... give me more of this season though, because Vanessa Williams is killing it, and will she kill the relationship between Lynette and Tom? No way, chances are Vanessa is getting the axe, maybe not now, but sooner or later, I don't see her being a permanent resident on Wysteria Lane. Then again, no one really is. I also think DH also paved the way for the return of the cougar. Try Courtney Cox on Cougar Town or any other show or movie in recent times that features an older woman on the prowl. Thanks ladies, for showing women that you can still be in your 40's and 50's and be sexy --- in a good way.

4. Will Ferrell

If this decade has brought us anything it's the comedy chops of Will Ferrell. Even though he had a rough start when he first joined SNL, he soon found his ground, and became a media darling. Like or love his scream like a baby about Tom Cruise attitude, he has become a staple in the comedy world. He's had a lot of hits, Anchorman, Old School, Talladega Nights, Elf, and some misses, Blades of Glory, Land of the Lost, Semi-Pro. He also became an internet sensation, or rather help his landlord become a sensation. Baby Pearl yelling for the rent is still laugh out loud funny, no matter how old it gets. A lot of people think he's the new Jim Carrey --- no. Even though he has done so much great in this decade, he has done a lot of the same. The same type of character with a new name and situation and occupation that screams and yells just like everyone else. I love Will, and while still under the radar I thought his most recent, The Other Guys, was fantastic, because Will switched it up for once. Also in the dramedy Stranger Than Fiction he went outside his barrier. That's more of the Will Ferrell I'd like to see. Although, he does do a fantastic former President. And I will always know that Blue is my boy, and last I will always mourn the possibility of an Anchorman 2: The Musical. One can only hope for some more afternoon delight and sex panther.

5. Six Feet Under Series Finale

After having seen this I made an ultimate decision to change my life because I could die tomorrow. If you really want a life changing experience, watch this show. The journey all the characters had from beginning to end was gripping, real, and astonishing. I couldn't take my eyes off of this show once I began to watch. And in the 75 minute finale, everyone told me I would cry. I can be emotional anyway, and if you didn't cry during this finale, then you are not to be considered as a human being. It's so raw and emotional, and it literally made me re-evaluate everything in my life. If you've never seen it, then you need to pick up the DVD's and start watching right now. R.I.P. Six Feet Under

6. Dexter: America's Favorite Serial Killer

After such a successful run on Six Feet Under Michael C. Hall went on to one of the greatest TV shows in recent years. Based on the Dexter novel series by Jeff Lindsay, Dexter is about a mild-mannered blood spatter analyst by day and a serial killer on the prowl at night. Enstilled with "The Code" he only kills those who deserve it, and with constantly shocking and leaving us on the edge of our seats for nearly five seasons now, Dexter has become a staple in my Sunday night line-up. Watching him transistion over the last five years has been nothing short of heart stopping and with guest star Julia Stiles right now, Dexter is getting intense. I'm having heart palpitations just thinking about it.

7. The Dark Knight

This was it. The movie of 2008. The sequel to Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins, this movie became one of the most talked about movies, well ever. After Heath Ledger's untimely death many wondered of his presentation of how he portrayed The Joker, and if the following award season was any indication, he deserved it. His Joker was unimagineably creepy, and amazingly pyschopathic. Let's face it, this entire movie was fantastic as a whole, but Heath Ledger was the one who really shined. We will miss you.

8. Superheroes Kick-Ass

It seems as though this last decade was full of superheroes, and the boom began with Spider-Man and resonated from there. There were a few duds, Eric Bana's Hulk, Edward Norton's Hulk, Superman Returns, Spider-Man 3 --- sorry but that dance scene was ridiculous. And it lacked Topher Grace too much. But with the duds came the amazing, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Spider-Man 1 & 2, Iron Man, which certified Robert Downey Jr.'s welcome back to being a bad ass status, and then the cult hits, like Watchmen and Kick-Ass. And with numerous superhero movies coming out in the next few years, this trend will not be going away any time soon.

9. The Red Sox Win The World Series --- Twice

It was only a matter of time, and Boston finally did it, in 2004 and in 2007. Nothing comes better to my memory than watching the Red Sox sweep the Cardinals in the 2004 series. Those memories will be with me for a long time, and I am so happy Boston finally came out on top. Screw you Yankees, we finally had our moment!

10. The Simpsons Made A Movie and Became the Longest Running Prime Time Series In History

The movie wasn't great by any means, but it did have a lot of heart, and I thought they did a great job at making the series into a much anticipated movie. They've had a few rough patches but the fact that they're still producing laughs on a weekly basis amazes me, being in their 22nd season, and I'm sure they'll keep the laughs coming for many more seasons. When I think of the true American family, I can't help but think of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie.

Honorable Mentions:

Friends Series Finale - It was a milestone when this show ended. Ross and Rachel finally got together, Chandler and Monica had twins, Phoebe and Mike were becoming domestic, and Joey was, well the same. But if that scene where you didn't know whether or not Rachel got off the plane didn't make you tear up, you obviously weren't into Friends. And I still think that the finale has the best Chandler line in the entire series. "We could give each of them half a medallion, and then years later, they'll find each other and reconnect. Now, that's a great day for everybody." Goodbye, my Friends.

Toy Story 3 - The Toy Story's over now, and Andy has gone to college. I told my ten-year-old niece that I had seen it and she asked me why I saw it because I was an adult. Well, I couldn't tell my niece to fuck off, but I could say that you're never too old for Woody and Buzz. Definitely one of the greatest animated films of all time.

Reality TV - Do I really need to explain? Most likely 75% of the shows you watch now are reality. There are so many types of reality shows. Competing for love, competing for money, competing for fame, competing for weddings, competing for pets, competing for weight loss --- and oh how we love it.

That's my list. What did you think were the most memorable things of the past decade? Write in the comments section.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Why Ke$ha Is A Genius

She uses Auto-Tune just as much as any other crappy, new pop icon and her lyrics are probably the dumbest compilation of words in the history of music. With songs like, D-I-N-O-S-A-U-R a dinosaur, and rhyming the lines "and no you don't wanna mess with us, got Jesus on my neck-a-lacess," one has to wonder who listens to this horrible garbage? Me. I cannot get enough of this catchy, bubbly, ignorant pop music. As a lover of pop music I have to admit that she is one of the best pop sensations to come along in recent years. Why though? Miley Cyrus has become a staple since her Disney show became such a huge hit, but once she tried to be sexy, everyone went crazy. And let's face it, Miley Cyrus is a new age hillbilly, who no matter how hard she tries, won't be considered sexy enough to transition to the hip pop that is popular today.

What about Katy Perry? Yeah she's hot with enormous cannons, and married a crazy-- but hilarious-- British guy. While Katy does have similar yuck factor lyrics, and a catchy tune every now and again, whether it's "U R So Gay," or "Peacock" she is one God awful singer. Watching a live performance from her is mind numbingly painful. Her live performances have to showcase her biggest asset, her body, because her voice is awful. Ke$ha can actually sing, hear me out--- while it's no Etta James or Billie Holiday, she's not that bad. She can at least carry a tune, which helps her out in the long run, because honestly she's not that great to look at, at least for being in Hollywood.

Ke$ha is like an idiot savant. Her lyrics are so horrible, that we can only hope she writes them herself, which believe it or not she actually does, so I have to give her some props for that. Overall, Ke$ha has damn catchy music. No matter how auto-tuned, how moronical or glitter-filled her songs are, she is what I define as great POP music. "I wanna be naked and you're wasted."

If you also think you can stomach Ke$ha in small doses, watch this hilarious video she did for